We work with individuals and families to help them get the most out of their charitable giving.


20th ANNIVERSARY: 20 Quotes About Philanthropy

Quotes have the power to say so much with so little. They convey big concepts and connect with people in an instant. In today’s busy world, so many of us don’t have time to pause and read long blogs, but most of us can find a few minutes to read a few quotes.

To commemorate our twenty-year history of advancing local philanthropy, we are sharing special insights and memories for twenty weeks. Today, we present a selection of twenty powerful quotes about philanthropy and charity. We hope you find a few minutes to think about each one. Which quote is your favorite?

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Thank you for being part of the Foundation’s history. Please help us share our story by sharing our posts with others. And as always, if we can be of service to you, your family, or your company, please contact us at (706) 275-9117.